Co-FOunder/Executive Director/Author
My name is Beth Thorp and I am the author of ANEW Creation and Co-Founder of Mitchell Thorp Foundation in Carlsbad, Ca. I am reaching out to express interest in being a guest on your show. The book is published by Morgan James Publishing, New York and was released on June 21, 2022. ANEW Creation, which I believe is an important story about how to turn tragedy into something meaningful, while keeping faith in God’s plan. It tells the story of my family and how we created a non-profit in honor of the tragic death of my son, Mitchell. Mitchell Thorp Foundation's mission is to support families whose children suffer from life-threatening illnesses, diseases, and disorders by providing financial, emotional, and resource support to their desperate situations- based on the experience my family went through ( As a leader in my community, I have been honored with the Community Impact Award 2022 and Non-Profit of the Year 2020. I am committed to leaving your audience with a positive and soul-touching experience. I can impart a number of inspirational messages on topics such as: faith, trusting again when all hope seems lost, forgiveness and restoration, learning to heal, leading with purpose and much more. I can also give a custom message that appeals to your audience and show. You can find my speaking topics and media kit on my website: