The place where incredible people share their stories of overcoming great adversity and loss to inspire you and give you hope!

R. Glenn Kelly

R. Glenn Kelly Profile Photo


Best-Selling Author and Broken Road Survivor, R. Glenn, has helped thousands through his books, Key Addresses, television and radio appearances, conference workshops, podcasts, and more. He's a five time invitee to Keynote before an annual gathering of bereaved employees at the headquarters of Delta Air Lines, served on a Board of Advisors at Children's Hospital, and worked with some of the country's leading psychiatrists and anthropologists to better understand himself first, and then his fellow grievers. His journey still takes him down the broken road. After all, no one was promised a perfect life. But he knows well the exits now, and just when to take them, with a connection to body, mind, and spirit that allows him to joyously live a life of peace and intended for us all.