The place where incredible people share their stories of overcoming great adversity and loss to inspire you and give you hope!

Michelle Heaton

Michelle Heaton Profile Photo


Former U.S. Navy podcaster and communications professional Michelle Heaton, now shares her personal story about the loss of her teenage son and her subsequent search to find empathy, insight and counsel for the unique pain she was experiencing.

Speaking with other bereaved parents who survived the pain and emerged stronger brought her comfort. She recalls a quote from a pastor years ago, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Now eight years later, Michelle knows the truth of that statement and is anxious to share the lessons she learned from her loss with other hurting people.

In each episode, Michelle interviews incredible guests who share their stories of overcoming loss; including death of loved ones, divorce, illness, aging, loneliness and estrangement, to inspire you and give you hope!